Monday, 30 November 2020

Empassa: Governed by Gods

12th day of the Moon of Dancing, Eleventh Year of the Blue Hog, Dusk

'We had followed the Tear inland a full days march when the hills became more and more level. Finally we could see her, dominating the perfectly flat plains below. Empassa was a mighty city to behold, a last bastion of difference to a backdrop of the perfect sameness of the Divine Garden, which seemed to stretch infinitely towards the west. 

The districts were clearly visible in the afternoon light, like spokes, radiating from the Four Great Temples on the Isles of the True Rulers. Each of the districts is perfectly distributed, divided by channels fed by the Tear, and protected by walls, each build as solid as if it were the outer defense. Such symmetry and order can only stand as physical proof of the divine insight that governs its construction.