Sunday, 27 February 2022

FLoK dev diary: Character Generation

Character generation in the original FLoK was deliberately sparse because I had no real idea of what the project was going to be yet. 

It was also one of the areas my playtesters had the most feedback on. Especially the generation of the standard attributes (strength, dex, etc.) was contentious. 

Some disliked that that these tags didn't really come into play, others liked how it informed their idea of their character and the way they roleplayed them. 

This made me consider making some Maze Rats inspired d66 tables to help those who like that input in visualising and roleplaying their character, without suggesting that these are tags which are supposed to come into play.

I also tried to standardise the equipment you get from backgrounds a bit more, allow folks to simply roll up their background and provide some examples of those 'twist' items. All also in d66 tables. 

Here's the current results:

Friday, 25 February 2022

Autopsy Report: Looking back at my first GLoG hack

Back when I initially started this blog I was working on a GLoG hack for the table I played with at the time. It is somewhat finished, but barely playtested and the few people that did play it seemed to hate it. 

Moreover, this is from before I realised you don't actually need rules for everything, so despite aiming for 'elegant design' it is a rather convoluted mess of rules I thought I'd need because they were so prevalent in other systems, rules I wanted to add because I thought they were missing from 5e and a bunch of systems and mechanics stolen from other blogs merely because they looked interesting.

For these reasons, I don't like looking back at it, it makes me cringe. However, every once in a while when I need an example of something I like, I find myself returning to stuff I wrote for this game and finding that the thing I remembered liking still holds up decently well. So I figured I'd do myself a favour and try to extract everything I like about it, so I won't have to dig through that mess in the future anymore. 

Friday, 4 February 2022

IT HAS LEGS!!!! FLoK DevDiary

 About half a year ago (shit, time flies) I cobbled something together in a flash of inspiration and hyperfocus:

The Free Laws of Kriegsspiel. 

It is the result of wanting to make something GLoG compatible, but more suited to my personal preferences. I warned during the announcement that I might very well never do anything with FLoK again, as the hyperfocus had ended and I was knee deep in Project Social which I wanted to finish first...