Friday 26 November 2021

The Order of Light (AKA The Candle-Maker's Guild)

Candle makers' workshop: interior view, process of making candles. Etching.

Though anyone can make a candle, few truly understand or appreciate the art of the candle-maker. You have joined these select few and have been enlightened on the true nature of illumination.


  • Redistribution: The dark times should be brightened in as many ways as possible. We should ensure what light is available is put to use where it is most needed. 
  • Control: Only we graps the subtleties of the various kinds of light and their effects. It is only natural that we should control all light to ensure the right people have access to the right light. 


Different Lights and their Uses

Not all light shows the same. Most light can be categorised as one of the following four:

  • Warm Light
    Associated with: Earth; Smoldering; Passion.
    Examples: Coal [Burning]; Sulphur Sticks [Lit]; Dry Wood [Burning].
    Shows people's desires through the glint in their eyes. Those exposed to warm light feel talkative and are more likely to confide in others. 
  • Malign Light
    Associated with: Water; Flashing/Flickering; Fear.
    Examples: Oil [Burning]; Tallow Candles[Lit]; Lightning Flashes.
    Shows things in the worst light possible, but doesn't lie. Those exposed to malign light become more distrustful and on edge. 
  • Cold Light
    Associated with: Air; Glowing; Secrecy.
    Examples: Bioluminescence; Moonlight; Starlight.
    Shows secret paths and markings, especially those made by Fae. Those exposed to this kind of light feel more solitary and unseen. 
  • Divine Light
    Associated with: Fire; Radiance; Brazen.
    Examples: Sunlight; Gods; Beeswax Candles [Lit].
    Shows things in harsh contrasts, dispelling trickery but disregarding nuance. Those exposed to this light find it hard to lie or cheat. 

Forgotten Candles

These candles produce lights that do not fall within the usual categorisation. Knowledge on how to make these has been lost, but a few specimens remain. Pick three which you own: One is untouched, one is half used and one is only a stub. 

  • Candle of Pushing Light: While lit, you cannot approach it unless you are holding the candle. 
  • Candle of Anti-Light: While lit, it shines darkness, dimming bright places.
  • Candle of Captivating Light: While lit, it is impossible to look away as long as it is in view. 
  • Candle of Audible Light: While lit, it produces a deafening sound and no visible light. 

The Art of Candlemancy

Not all secrets have been forgotten, these are still widely known among the members of the Guild:

  • Candle of Inner Truth: Make a andle while looking at a person's image. Write this person's name on the candle when doen. Stick a pin trought the candle, aiming for the center. While lighting it, make a statement about the person's beliefs or disposition towards something. Once the candle has reached the pin you'll have your answer: If the pin is stuck in the wick, the statement is true. If it missed the wick, it is false. 
  • Waxing Fortunes: Drop molten wax from a Beeswax Candle into a silver basin filled with water and one drop of your blood. The shapes of the wax will portent yuor future. 
  • Candle of Dead Voices: Make a candle from a dead person's hair for the wich and their fat for the tallow. While the candle burns you can ask the dead person questions about things they would have known while they were alive. The voice of the dead person will answer truthfully. 
  • Trial of Protection:Take a candle to the top of the hill during a new moon (preferably while overcast, so there are no visible stars). Protect the flame from the elements from dusk till dawn with only your body while whispering the name of an enemy. If you succeed to keep the flame lit for the entire night, you will be protected from that enemy for the duration of the next moon. 

Little Wisdoms

  • Neutral Light: Mix different kinds of light to weaken their effects. The more different kinds of light come from the same source, the more neutral the light. 
  • Better Candles: Bleach Beeswax Candles in the sun to purify them and thus make their devine light more potent.
  • "Scented" Candles:  Essences can be used in the making of candles to safely store them. Upon lighting the candle, these essences will release. Useful for nice scents and pretty colours, as well as for horrible poisons and healing remedies.
  • Emergency Rations: Though disgusting, regular candles are all edible. Another reason why one should always carry a few candles on their person wherever they go.

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